Being Grown Doesn't Mean You Stop Growing

Being Grown Doesn't Mean You Stop Growing
Learning to grow in mind & spirit no matter how old you are

Monday, January 12, 2009

Being Around

I had an appointment with the new doctor who took over my old doctor's practice when he moved. I like going to a female doctor. She is about my age and really tells it like it is, which is what I needed. After reviewing my cholesterol tests from last April, she asked why I wasn't taking Levostatin. As I explained to my previous doctor, I said I was trying to correct the situation with diet and exercise. I had to admit I was not doing so well in that area. It was then that she told me my numbers were too high to reduce them with diet and exercise alone. The overall total was 266. The bad cholesterol total was 166. I didn't know it had been that high. This was in April. I've since gained 10 pounds so it is probably higher by now. My old doctor never really pressed home the urgency of this. He was content to let me do it on my own. The new doctor kindly told me that diet and exercise are good, but to lower these cholesterol numbers "you can't get there from here" with out some help. She was pretty convincing so I took my first levostatin tonight. It is supposed to be taken at bedtime and on an empty stomach. That gives me incentive to skip the bedtime snack and maybe lose the 10 pounds I've gained in the bargain.
It also makes me realize that I need to take better care of myself. I want to be at the weddings of my beautiful granddaughters some day. I know that it will be quite some time before these events take place after all one is 12 years old and the other is 12 days old today. The point is I want to be there and I don't want to be there in a wheelchair! I want to walk in wearing high heels, looking and feeling great. So that said, I'm going to take the medication faithfully and have my cholesterol checked in 4-6 weeks. I'm going to exercise daily (easier said than done) and eat more fish and less red meat.
All I know is I want to be around for a long, long time. One day you'll see me riding around in a red convertible VW Beetle with the top down at the beach with Trellany and Naomi. I'll be the one riding in the back seat with my hands in the air singing some rowdy rock song!

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